Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Hurricane Update
Okay this storm is approaching and is gaining strength so I think we will possibly have to leave we will be headed to San Antonio, Texas, where we have family to stay with.
Its tough packing for the unexpected and not taking everything I own but I just can't. Things can be replaced and so on I just hope are house is spared to some extent.
Okay here is the bottom line, if I don't post on this blog for a few days it is because we have left. I will just a short message if we stay.
I guess let me also get this out there I love and care for all of my friends but I hold out for two very sweet girls Ashley and Tracy. I love you girls so much you two are my best friends, take care of yourselves.  

Friday, September 02, 2005

1st Week of College -- Down

Man o Man it has been a busy and exhasting week. My high school didn't prepare as much as I need to be. I have 2 so called easy classes First Aid and Microcomputer Apps.

American Gov is ok but it is more writing intense. I have to write 6 out of 14 essays the first one is due this coming Wednesday, I havent even started yet but will. Math isn't so bad. I should note that in American Gov and Math we sit in desks that you hardly have room to work, you basically have 1 hand on the desk and the other just hangs. "I hate it."

English is the other hard one, but we are in a computer lab so we type all of are papers. I like this because I write a lot more on a keyboard the pen and pencil. (As I'm doing so writing the blog.)

Yes I am worried of failing and our worlds problems, but I've come to the concept of living one day at a time. Still haven't found anyone yet but I have to consentrate on school now. I do have some pretty girls in my classes, and I have left some behind and think of them everyday and kiss their picture for good luck and courage.

Later Justin